
Ardalan M. AHMED was born on October 31, 1987, in Erbil Iraq's Kurdish region, academic journey began at Salahaddin University in Erbil, where he pursued his undergraduate studies in history. Graduating with a Bachelor of Science in general history in July 2010, After completing his undergraduate studies, as a top student degree, at Salahaddin University-Erbil, he joined the History Department as a scientific researcher in 2011 at the College of Art.

I finished my MA degree in ancient history at KAHRAMANMARAS SUTCU IMAM University - Turkey/2016.

Thesis Title: Yunan medeniyeti'nin oluşması ve tarihsel gelişimi

(The formation and historical devolepment of the ancient Greek civilization)

Dr. Ardalan holds a Ph.D. in ancient Mesopotamia history during Greek and Roman epigraphy from / Dokuz Eylul University- Turkey/2024.

Thesis Title: Mezopotamya bölgesi Yunan-Roman epigrafi buluntuları ışığında tarihi ve kültürel gelişimler

(Historical and cultural developments in the light of Greco-Roman epigraphic finds in Mesopotamia)